
A Word From The Chair
For the 3rd consecutive year, TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT will be providing an unparalleled opportunity to meet key decision makers in the regional and global business communities. This year’s Summit will be held October 17-19 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT has built a loyal following attracting thought leaders and investors from across the country and we trust the 2019 Summit will bring new opportunities to build business partnerships and explore the continent’s burgeoning business industry.

More than 200 investors, corporate executives, university representatives, entrepreneurs and service providers will attend the event this year. This is a rich opportunity to showcase your company at the most significant multilingual business and investment event in Africa.

To date, hundred of governments, later stage and early stage companies that will be participating in this year’s TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMITS are hoping to raise more than $100 millions in public and private funding. These numbers speak as to the quality of our previous and current presenting companies.

Please consider supporting TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT and join us for the continent’s preeminent investors forum, which connects emerging entrepreneurs and financial companies with potential investors and corporate partners looking to do business in Southern Africa.

Chairwoman of the Board, President & Founder

Exploring Investment Trends
Featuring bilateral investment facilitation, the 2019 Investment Meeting will explore hot topics on investment in Africa, implementation of the previous two years’ summits’ outcomes, etc. It consists of a keynote forum, a number of thematic forums, information releasing and networking sessions. Pan-African and Foreign Government Officials, Heads of International Economic Organization, Executives of Multinational Corporations, prominent Academics, Heads of Media outlets, and Principals of leading private enterprises will attend the forum. The Investment Meeting during the 3rd annual of the TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT is set to become a major platform for regional Governments and Investment Institutions to release authoritative investment policies, coordinate investment mechanisms and exchange investment information. Besides, a number of international organizations will release the latest investment reports and hold scores of forums and seminars there.

The 3rd annual TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT will fully implement the idea of « Extensive Matchmaking », integrate matchmaking session with exhibitions, forums and seminars and other major side-events. The TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT expects to collect 100+ investment projects and arrange more than 25 matchmaking sessions as well as over B2B meetings.
With precise industry segmentation, optimized matchmaking process, and the « Investment Promo Tour », the 3rd annual TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT will continue to offer high-end delicate, interactive and exclusive services to professional investors, outstanding project holders and governmental promotion agencies of various countries, thereby further enhance project matchmaking results and negotiation effect.

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    [ Testimonials ]

    Selon nous, le Tropics Business Summit est une plateforme d'opportunités où se rencontrent les entrepreneurs internationaux qui souhaitent booster leur Business dans une ambiance conviviale. La valeur 'partage culturel,' l'expérience professionnelle de chaque entrepreneur est la clé de réussite du Tropics Business.
    Ange-Mireille GNAO
    Directrice, BUSSYEDUCOM
    TROPICS BUSINESS SUMMIT 2017, l'évènement phare de la fin de l'année 2017 et ALLSUD est heureux et fier d'en être un des partenaires!
    Joelle NDONG
    Editrice-En-Chef, ALLSUD Media
    Bravo pour cette belle initiative entrepreneuriale. Développer les relations sud-Sud et créer une ouverture vers l'internationale est un véritable atout de développement économique. L'Afrique du Sud connait certes des disparités sociales mais il existe de véritables opportunités à connaitre et à saisir car s'internationaliser pour une PME  aujourd'hui est primordial pour développer son marché.
    Annie-Monia KAKOU